Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 62

"I was ecstatic they re-named "French Fries" as "Freedom Fries. Grown men and women, in positions of power in the US Government, showing themselves as idiots" ~Johnny Depp

Rob and I headed to "Five Guy's Burgers and Fries" for lunch. A SMALL fry is almost too big for the TWO of us to share. They fill a cup with fries, and then, drop at least the same amount into the bag of food. The burgers are divine as well. It's probably more fat and calories than I need to eat for a week...but it was SO good. As long as we don't do it every day...everything in moderation, and all that jazz.


  1. C-H-I-P-S!-well, FRIES to you guys!

    I'll not mention this to J who generally wants chips if he sees, smells or hears them mentioned! I don't really like them, they give me dire indigestion. I prefer potato chips in bags like kettle chips-or a big fat hot baked potato with the works!-yum, and it's 6am here and I have a smoothie in front of me!

  2. I like kettle chips too, and I love a baked potato...but every once in a while, I get a craving for a good french fry. These are hand-cut with the skin still on they are really yummy. (they are not a very allergy friendly restaurant, though...peanuts for free to eat, and the fries are fried in peanut oil.)

  3. Lol, every time people talk about french fries and me being French I laugh. The reason? People make the assumption that French people eat a lot of fries, but people in Belgium actually eat more fries than the French. Go figure.
    However, I do know how to cook fries as my mom taught me, like her mom taught her(without using a special machine). Homemade fries taste really good.

  4. I'm not sure why they are even called French fries...I typically just refer to them as fries.
