Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 34

"Thought when sober, said while drunk" ~unknown

I'm not a drinker, really. I don't drink often, and it doesn't take me much to get drunk. However, my friends all tell me I'm a fun drunk...I don't get all emotional, or belligerent. I just get giggly. I'm the one with my hand in front of my face. I have NO idea what we're talking about here...but I'm sure I'm laughing. (and, for the record, I remember the whole day and night.)


  1. hehe. certain of my friends joke that I'm an alchoholic. I'm totally not. I just like my girly drinks.


  2. I like girly drinks too. We started off with vodka in iced tea, and moved on to martini's and there were some jello shots involved, and other shots involved. Every time we have a party, I say I'm too old to do this kind of thing...but I always end up doing it again. I really only drink at parties.
