Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 58

"We are in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got caught on a sticky bun" ~Rowen Atkinson

I could have gone my whole life without seeing one of these things in person. However, I've seen two of them in the last week. They are actually quite amazing, and really DO look just like sticks. This one, that I saw this morning as I left for work, actually looked like it had been broken off of a branch...I think it was the head side, looked almost frayed, as if it had been twisted off of a larger branch.


  1. y'all don't have stick bugs in Canada? I know they don't have them in Florida...I just figured you did.

  2. I think pretty much every English school has these in the biology lab. And pretty much every English school kid ends up taking home some eggs to hatch.

    We had some... one escaped whilst my Gran was visiting from Canada and she found it in her bed. My sister still maintains her innocence in the matter, but I'm not so sure :) After all, it did have to climb a flight of stairs to get there.

  3. Cool pic. My friend's sister found a smaller one a few days ago and called us to see it. We were a bit confused why she insisted that we come down to flights of stairs just to see a little bug she was about to release back into the wild (which she had caught instead of the frog she was trying to get). The bigger ones look much more impressive.
