Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 49

"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." - Lewis Grizzard

I picked 3 tomatoes from my little plant tonight. For a total of 5 so far. I do have a bunch more that are green, and will probably be ready in a few days. I keep trying to convince the girls to try them...but I haven't been successful so far. Oh, well...they don't know what they're missing, and if they don't want them, I don't have to share. I DID, however, make myself a hero to my borrowed son, because cherry tomatoes are his favorite in the world, and I gave one to him the other day. He was SO excited about it.


  1. Cherry tomatoesssss <3. Funny because I don't like regular tomatoes, just cherry tomatoes. ;D
    We used to have a woman next door who grew them and brought us HUGE bags over. She was awesome, we've had two neighbours since then and I miss her, because she was otherwise nice :-).

  2. I love all tomatoes...but cherry and grape are my favorite. I want to have a real garden, but I know myself well enough to know that it wouldn't get taken care of, because I'm lazy, and I don't like the heat and humidity.

  3. I love cherry tomatoes. Best though are yellow pear. :P And all yellow tomatoes.

    The tomatoes in the picture... are they yellow, orange or red? I can't quite tell.

  4. they are girls picked them a bit before they were totally ripe. (funny, because they don't eat them, they just like to pick them) Plus, the camera doesn't take very good pictures. I'll have to look for the yellow pear tomatoes. Do you grow them from seed, or can you get seedlings somewhere?

  5. I'm really not sure. I think like 5 years ago we grew them from seed, though it could have been from a seedling. This year our neighbor who plants a TON of stuff in her yard gave us extra tomato plants, so that's how we got it this year.
