Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 17

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" ~Nelson Mandela

Mariella had "Kindergarten Graduation" today. The 3 classes put on a little show, sang songs and showed off what they had learned. We learned that her teacher is moving on to teach second grade (2 teachers are retiring) and the Paraprofessional that has been at Granger School, in the kindergarten for 22 years is being transferred to another school. Due to declining enrollment, they are dropping one of the kindergarten classes. I guess we are all happy that they aren't laying her off, but her presence in OUR school will be missed.

I can't believe my baby is almost officially a FIRST grade student. On Monday afternoon, I will have a first grader and a fourth grader. I'm sure I'm not old enough for THAT.


  1. Okay, so that picture of Mariella is just priceless. I have the hugest smile on my face right now. Adorable.

  2. That is so adorable. You must be so proud of her. Well done the both of you!

  3. thanks ladies. She (and I) survived the year. I can't wait to get the report card that says how many days she was tardy, absent, or dismissed. Before we made a health related 504 plan (to allow for accommodations in the classroom) we wanted to see if she needed anything in place to allow for absences. I'm really not sure if we do or not yet

  4. Awesome, way to go, Mariella!

    Incidentally, if you're not sure about accomodating for absences, I'd play it safe and get them to accomodate ahead of time. I missed a lot of school, and my parents had to fight with the school board to prevent me from being kept back purely on attendance grounds since, out of 220 days, I attended 141, and they had a 'maximum acceptable number of missed days' of 15. That said, I never missed an assignment and I was ahead of my grade level in every subject except phys ed. I don't know if they would have had an easier time of it if they'd contacted the school and let them know about my health issues ahead of time, but I'd say better safe than sorry.

  5. Kindergarten isn't state they can't hold her back for non-attendance. I'll talk to the principal once I have an official number, and see what she thinks...though, she's pretty much useless.
