Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 30

As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat. ~Ellen Perry Berkeley

Pardon the poor picture quality. This is how I spend most of my evenings, after I've settled the girls into bed, and gotten anything that needs done, done, and I can finally settle down for the evening. Cody settles into my arms, belly up, just like an infant, and promptly falls asleep. If I had been able to capture the entire scene, you would have seen Piper sitting next to me, getting her head scratched. I just love my babies.


  1. He's sure cute... although personally I don't really have an affection for cats. And, I don't know yet if cats are a trigger, though I have been, as has an asthmatic friend of mine and my family, that they very well may be. There's a likelihood that I'm allergic to them too.
    Still, when people manage to get cute or funny pictures of cats, I can enjoy them. :)

  2. I wish I could get pictures off my phone, I refuse to pay for an email, I've got a picture of the 2 kittens all cuddled up together, paws around each other like they're hugging.

  3. Awww! That sounds so cute.

    I transfer pics from my phone to my computer via bluetooth. Picture messaging is crazy expensive.

  4. I wish mine would do that. One loves to cuddle up in bed, but rarely on the sofa. They do quite often cuddle up together though - really cute.

  5. they love to cuddle together too...always grooming one another too. The fact that they obviously love each other is why I don't get so concerned with the WWE style wrestling they also do. If no one is screaming, I don't intervene.
