Tuesday, June 1, 2010


"She looks good, satting well"

When my oldest was in the hospital with a respiratory virus, the residents stood in her doorway, looked at her O2 and said, "she looks good...satting well" She should have been, she was on 2l of O2...and really, she looked like crap. Now, whenever we do O2 sats at home, someone is bound to say..."She looks good...satting well"


  1. Did Kerri talk you into this? :)
    Can't wait to see your pics for the next 364 days.

  2. She DID talk me into this...I'm going to TRY not to do all asthma related pictures...I mean...though it doesn't feel like it sometimes, there ARE other aspects of my life. (maybe...at least I HOPE there are)

  3. I'm magic at convincing people. :-)
    My first failed round had tons of asthma pics. Hoping this one doesn't!

    Don't worry, when I run home day camp outta your playroom there will be lots to take pics of LOL.
