Monday, June 7, 2010

Day Seven

"Clean it up [clap, clap] Clean it up [clap, clap]"

Apparently, to certain 6 and 9 year olds that live in this house...This IS clean.


  1. Is this the playroom where I'm going to live? :D

  2. yeah, I'll clean off the couch for you

  3. Ah, Sara, you do a marvelous job at reminding me of my early childhood, especially when I was the same age as your girls. :P My brother and I played hours together (there were many many fights and arguments), and we too are 3 years apart. Seriously, why did we have to "clean it up" if we weren't done playing? It was all in perfect place to play, and we never were done playing.

  4. unfortunately, occasionally, I DO have to vacuum...If I could tear out the carpet, and then just sweep around the crud...I would...but, carpet needs to be cleaned....but that's what they say too...or..."can we leave out what we're playing with...." when really, they're playing with it all.
