Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day Eight

"The first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem."

I'll admit it, I'm addicted to bad teen Vampire romance books. I like the "happily ever after," the 'supernatural' aspect of them...I even like the cheesy dialog. I've been to Forks, Washington. (A BEAUTIFUL area of the US, if you ever get a chance...go there, Twilight fan or not) Yes, I'm sure there are better ways to spend my time...but I also know that I am in good company...I know quite a few Twi-hard fans, either openly, or in the closet. I just choose to embrace my sad, sad addiction.


  1. Hehe, I've seen those TwiCon pics on Facebook ;-).

    Okay, I'll admit I bought all four of them. But I've only gotten through Twilight and part of New Moon. They're super cheesy (and can I say crappily written?). But something sucked me into the first book, and now I can't get through the rest. Fail.

  2. they are TOTALLY crappily written. (skip the whole part where Edward is gone, and start reading New Moon at that point, then read the last 2...I totally skip the part where he's not there.)

  3. TwiCon was totally fun...it was my friend and I...that was a different trip from Forks...which was also totally AWESOME!

  4. hahahaha. Theres this guy on YouTube who reads Twilight solely to make fun of it. "Alex Reads Twilight" by Nerimon. It's great.

    Maybe I'll have to give New Moon a go again.

  5. Actually, I read them for Alice...I really like Alice.
