Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 25

"Cousins are friends who will love you forever"

Mariella and her cousin playing together. If you look closely, you will see the tubing for her neb. She is playing one handed, and holding her Sprint cup at the same time.


  1. Just wait, when she switches to the mouthpiece, she will realize "WHOA. I CAN PLAY WITH BOTH HANDS AND HOLD THE NEB WITH MY TEETH."
    I think out of every treatment I actually touch the Sprint for about 30 seconds, I'm always doing SOMETHING while I'm doing a treatment.

  2. she already does that, actually...her mouthpiece of her nebs are all "chewed" and so is the mouthpiece of her acapella. I find it ICKY.

  3. LOL. I thought she was using Bubbles. I don't chew mine, I just hold it there. Five minute intervals of my life = far too many minutes to waste!

  4. Mine is kind of chewed up a bit, not not too bad, largely in part to a neb taking 12-15 minutes (2 different meds together), so I have it in my mouth longer. The neb cup that came with my compressor, however, is certainly chewed up. The plastic on that one made me want to chew it, especially that it kept sliding around if I wasn't holding it with a hand, which I almost never did as I always had something else to do at the same time. :P
